Over the past twenty years I've created, developed and followed a multitude of storyboards - from hand drawn sequence development for internal reference, to fully rendered client-ready animatics. Please find above and below some abridged sections from that work.
Moving from static storyboard to video animatic is a step that I always push for as early as possible in production. Experiencing the proposed story in a fixed length of time, accompanied by a scratch voiceover, is always a revealing experience.
Please find below some examples of this theory - firstly, an animatic generated from a hand-drawn storyboard that tackles the complex subject of DNA transcription . Used as an internal production and reference document, key sequences could be identified and discussed before any time consuming 3D technique was explored. Although the animation is simplistic, it allowed for detailed discussion about content, pace and sequence order. From this step, the animation team were able to understand the required visual content, explore shot angles, and research technique to illustrate the complex molecular interactions.
At the other end of the scale, please find below a client ready previsualization - developed for the National Eye Institute in the US, this animation outlines the importance of a dilated eye examination, and is targeted at the general public.
This "Previsualization" step is the client's last chance make changes, or to alter content in any way, before the final high res look is applied at final rendering. Here, this interim step was delivered with a temporary voiceover, but the pace, visual content and order of events are proposed as final.